Our Story…

“Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite.”

Photo taken at Caffe Roma


Once upon a time...Tara was working at an Italian restaurant called CAFFE ROMA in Beverly Hills, swiping right to find love. She knew meeting someone organically in the city of Los Angeles would probably never happen, let alone at work. 

After Tara was hired, she was told that it was because they thought she was foreign…(does 3rd generation count?) She was making a decent living selling Aperol Spritz and Margarita Pizza’s networking with agents and producers. Meeting a future husband in this environment as one of the only American’s in the entire place who spoke fluent English, was next to impossible.

Streets of Beverly Hills

It was October 2016…

Along came the “new guy,” fresh off the boat, his name was Marco. Marco was cute, tall, spoke decent English, but was also taken. He reminded Tara of her dream guy as a little girl, the character, Kostas from Greece in the movie, ”Sisters of the Traveling Pants.”  He flirted with her daily, found any excuse to talk to her, and work closer to her section. Months went by and another colleague was telling Tara how Stefan has a crush on her. “Who is Stefan?” Tara questioned. “Marco, the guy from Montenegro,” she said. 

What started off as friends, sneaking candy bars into Tara’s apron, and Stefan asking rides home, turned into a relentless journey to win Tara’s heart. 

It was September 2017

After 4-5 months of dates, Stefan made a romantic bonfire on the beach and asked Tara to be his girlfriend…she said…not yet. While Stefan didn’t take no for an answer…

Photos taken at Caffe Roma

6 years later…

Stefan and Tara will legally bind their love in Stefan’s hometown, Herceg Novi with their closest friends and family and return to the city of Los Angeles where they’ll live happily ever after.

Moral of the Story:

Don’t lose site of your childhood crush, because sometimes when you least expect it…they show up where you work :)